Growth and Change

One of the challenges of a startup is the need to “redesign” the company every six months as the company grows and the structures you put in place for 20 people fall apart at 50 or 100. If you can imagine your company in three years, you can lay a size-appropriate foundation now and build on it with each significant growth milestone. Many on the leadership team are doing their job for the first time and may not have thought about how their function needs to grow over time. We know what has worked across companies at all stages and sizes. We work with you to adapt the relevant ideas to your company’s size and culture.
Although “managing change” is something all startups try to do, there is a lot of uncertainty about what that might actually look like in practice. Our approach does not require a rigid process. Instead we help by ensuring that the overall process is being attended to and by having markers or milestones in place to help keep things moving in the right direction.

Perspective2 will help:

  • Clarify objectives
  • Ensure broad involvement of stakeholders
  • Develop a robust communication strategy
  • Maintain forward movement

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